Hi,my name is Naty,I am from Ecuador South America and my husband is Chinese citizen.
我们有一对漂亮的双胞胎,Francisco和Alessandro, 他们是我们的幸福之源。他们在百佳妇产医院出生,是百佳宝宝。怀孕以来,这里的每个医生都一路支持我们,照顾我。在他们的帮助下,分娩顺利且完美。我是剖腹产,孩子是早产儿,所幸有医生们的照顾和丈夫的关爱,一切顺利。
We have beautiful twins,Francisco and Alessandro,they are our happiness.They are the twins of Baijia motherhood,they were born in Baijia maternity.The doctors every one of them supported us,took care of me all my pregnancy,they were helping us to get everything right and perfect at the time of delivery.My delivery was cesarean,my twins were born premature but with the care of the doctors,my husband's love,everything came out well.
My pregnancy was a complicated risk,breastfeeding was painful and difficult but God put in my way,nice people in baijia who helped me solve every complication.Now my babies are two months old ,all complications disappeared.The moment of breastfeeding is my favorite monento because I can give them drops of love. My twins are our happy and our light.
So this is my message for women who are having a pregnancy: everything there is a solution,just trust in God surpport in your family and let your pregnancy be cared for by profecionalee full of love for what they do as my incredible dortors of Baijia.
Thanks for all the care and great profecionalismo,we would return to trust you...
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